We are an owners,
to owners company
Our mission is to create value through better governance and management
We suporte private companies on their expansion and growth plans. We want to capture the full potential of a business, engage their teams, being a catalyst of change in all business aspects: strategy, sales, operations and finance.
We are skilled on both specific and generic capabilities. We have a track record on building and accelerating businesses in the retail, technology, services and agribusiness sectors, always maximising shareholder value.
To face the current business scenario and incentivise transformation is our main challenge. Being bold leads us to roll up our sleeves, transpire and get involved. We question things, we go deeper.
We are transparent and honest with the truth, we face problems with an upfront attitude.
We encourage our clients to put their ideas to work and execute them!
What we do
We provide Management Consulting and Operating Partnership services through three main pillars: Governance, Strategy and Business Management and Capital Management to a Company and its shareholders. Through them, we maximize return on investments and help them to materialize their business Vision.

Ownership mindset

Sense of urgency



We believe in people and processes
Our purpose
We build long lasting relationships with our clients, we work together to provide practical solutions, improve processes and maximize corporate results, thus creating more value.
We develop a detailed understanding on all different aspects of the business.
Being accurate, allows us to focus on specific opportunities nos analysed and addressed before, enabling us to formulate more precise diagnosis and effective actions.
To face the current business scenario and incentivise transformation is our main challenge. Being bold leads us to roll up our sleeves, transpire and get involved. We question things, we go deeper.
We are transparent and honest with the truth, we face problems with an upfront attitude.
We cooperate so your business can grow.
As business owners, we know your pain, we have been there. We have the knowledge and the track record required to manage and grow businesses.
We want to row your boat with you, face your current business scenarios upfront, consistently and jointly with you with a owner’s MINDSET in order to look for opportunities.
Our focus is efficacy, we develop and implement sustainable and lasting methods and solutions.
Our objective is to contribute to our client’s teams advance and autonomy.
Our broad and comprehensive perspective, analytical skills associated to our diverse problem solving capacity ensures a quicker, more consistent delivery of our client’s goals.
Our sense of urgency not only compels us to act, but also defines the actions to be taken. It drives us, move us to analyse risks pragmatically. We want to accelerate execution without undertaking unnecessary risks in order to reach our goals faster and more effective.
Talent, intelligence and prepare are not substitutes to action!
We want to capture the full potential of a business, engage their teams, being a catalyst of change in all business aspects: strategy, sales, operations and finance. We adequate their understanding or reality so they can become what they aim for. We encourage our clients to put their ideas to work, to execute.
Where did we begin
Coming from different professional backgrounds and combining more than 15 years of experience as business owners, Julian Tonioli and Marco França founded Auddas. An operating model focused on helping other companies and their owners to grow was developed. Auddas was born from an “owner to owner”concept. Founded and operated by executives with multiple competencies that understand the hurdles faced by owners, as owners, they know the pain, have walked the path and now use their knowledge, in association to their analytical skills and execution capacity to create value to Auddas’ clients.
Auddas Team
Our highly qualified team act together with the shareholder, Board of Advisors and Business Management in order to accelerate their business and create more shareholder value. Our goal is to advance your team and make them autonomous.

Marco França
More than 20 years of consolidated experience in Private Equity, Business Management and Corporate Governance, Production Engineer – PUC / RJ, MBA in Finance – COPPEAD, angel investor and BoD Member of companies in the Services and Technology sector.
- CFO of the portfolio of companies in the Technology, Media and Telecom sector of the BTG Pactual Fund“ FlyNet Fund ”and IdeiasNet from 2001 to 2009
- VP and CFO of ICAP (World’s Largest Independent Brokerage) from 2010 to 2012
- CFO BIG Market from 2012 to 2014
- Auddas Founding Partner

Julian Tonioli
For over 20 years working in Sales and Operations, Engineer – POLI – USP, MSc SCM and PDM – POLI – USP, angel investor and BoD Member of companies in the Services and Technology sector.
- General Manager – Eng. & Manufacturing between 2003 and 2005
- COO BIG Market from 2012 to 2014
- COO and President at Spring Wireless from 2005 to 2012
- Auddas Founding Partner

Fabian Valverde
With a 15-year trajectory in the Sales and Operations market, graduated in Computing Unicamp / SP. Founder / M&A of 03 companies. Angel investor in the Services and Technology sector.
- Founder and Onirium Director 2001 to 2006
- Head of Solutions and Business Executive Spring Wireless 2006 to 2012
- Director of Sales and Innovation SAP 2012 to 2014
- COO Unear 2014 to 2016
- Head de Vendas Mutant 2016
- Founder and CEO of Paketá Crédito in 2018

Rogerio Vargas
Founder and Director of RVR Consultoria (+12 years of experience, +80 projects, +500 partners / managers, + 20k people involved). Acting in cases such as AXA, First Data, Capemisa Group, PAN Group, Inst. Eldorado Technology, Óticas Carol, Penalty, among others, as well as +50 business projects (owned companies) in the fashion, franchising, civil construction, technology, health, services, education segments, among others. Civil Engineer PUC RS, MBA Finance IBMEC SP, MBA e-Business FGV.
- Executive +20 years of experience in the financial market, with the last position as Citibank New Business Director 2003-2008 – responsible for the development and implementation of the growth strategy.